September 6, 2009

Baby quilt for Victor

Dear all,

Long time no blogging... I know!

There seem to be a 100 things going on at the same time for me right now: Pregnancy soon to end (in approx 6 weeks), my job to finish off in a nice manner before going on maternity leave (in 2 days - that is because I will use two weeks of vacation before the leave starts). My father-in-law turns 70 next week too, so some attention has been turned that way too and then I have my lovely two quilting bees to focus on as well - I do not complain at all, just a little sorry from me :)

But now it is time for showing off the next baby quilt I have finished today - 1 hour before we left for baby Victor's baptism. Pfew, that was a close cut!!

Victor appered to be a greenish little boy to me, so I chose to make this baby quilt in dusty and light greens, spiced a little with brown and creams. I bought a line of fabrics and added some of my older mathcing fabrics too, in order to get enough variation.

The inspiration is the "Happy Hour" pattern, adapted to pre-cut 2,5'' strips, and then just made even more random.

And how lucky am I??? On his baptism costume and as table decorations, his parents had chosen to add the EXACT same green tones as in the quilt. Amazing!!

I used machine stippling to hold the quilt together and, oh boy, did I have a hard time: I had decided to use a fleece blanket as batting, and for some reason this gave me great grief with thread snapping every 2 inches in some places!!! Grrrr!

Well, I made it to the end and I have decided to erase the experience from my memory.
Note to self: DONT use fleece blankets again!

All in all, I am happy with the result: 39'' x 39''.
And the parents were too :)).

Now I will go lay myself down on the couch - I think I have deserved it. Heh!

1 comment:

Deb Robertson Writes said...

That is so cute! good luck with the last two weeks at work. Your baby will be here before you know it!!